School uses Covid relief funding to create safe gathering spaces
School uses Covid relief funding to create safe gathering spaces

School uses Covid relief funding to create safe gathering spaces

Dealing with Covid meant that ntamtqen snm’a?m’aya?tn, the Lower Similkameen Indian Band School, had to make extra space for administration, a covered waiting area for staff and students, and hire a second janitor to help clean.

To help fund these extra costs, and because ntamtqen snm’a?m’aya?tn doesn’t receive the same funding as public schools, the school applied to the Community Foundation for a $40,000 grant.
“The funding they received made a huge impact for not only the school but for the teachers, students and parents,” says Sarah Trudeau, Grants Manager.

Thanks to funding from an anonymous donor, the Foundation was able to find many innovative ways to help ntamtqen snm’a?m’aya?tn, which offers a holistic program grounded by the traditional principles of the smәlqmíx people, as well as help many other businesses and nonprofit organizations cope with the impact of the pandemic.